Intiki Paper
Intiki is an online store that sells gift bags, paper products, and other home decor items. They offer a variety of products including Intiki paper, gift wrapping paper, and more. We have a collection of products made from high-quality materials and designed to add style and character to your living space.
Intiki offers a variety of gift bags and wrapping paper. Our product line includes paper gift bags, gift wrapping paper, and other related items. We offer a variety of designs and colors to choose from, making it easy for customers to find the perfect gift bag or wrapping paper for their needs. By offering high-quality products and an easy-to-use online shopping platform, Intiki makes it convenient and enjoyable for customers to buy gift bags and wrapping paper online. Whether you're looking for something traditional or modern, Intiki has a wide selection of gift bags and wrapping paper to choose from.
Freckled Terrazzo Gift Bags
Sold out (Coming Back Soon)
Freckled Terrazzo Gift Bags
set of 5. -
Classic Diagonal Gift Bags
1,568.00 Rs. 470.40
Classic Diagonal Gift Bags
set of 5. -
Loopy Lights Wine Bag
1,132.00 Rs. 339.60
Loopy Lights Wine Bag
set of 5. -
Classic Repeat Wine Bag
1,132.00 Rs. 339.60
Classic Repeat Wine Bag
set of 5. -
Classic Diagonal Envelope
684.00 Rs. 205.20
Classic Diagonal Envelope
set of 5. -
Classic Repeat Envelope
516.00 Rs. 154.80
Classic Repeat Envelope
set of 5. -
Toran Playing Cards
Sold out (Coming Back Soon)
Toran Playing Cards
Classic Repeat Gift Cards
Sold out (Coming Back Soon)
Classic Repeat Gift Cards
set of 5. -
Candy Crush Terrazzo Gift Cards
Sold out (Coming Back Soon)
Candy Crush Terrazzo Gift Cards
set of 5.