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Rs. 950.00


Rs. 950.00

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A delightful deep-clean treatment that polishes and purifies the skin. Natural kaolin clay and bamboo charcoal help remove micro-particles and toxins, leaving the skin radiant and fresh.

 Dimensions & details

 Key Ingredients: Aqua, Bamboo charcoal, Kaolin clay, Bentonite clay, Xanthan gum, Titanium dioxide, Turmeric, T-tree and Clove essential oils

 The Process: To be applied after cleansing. Apply a thin layer all over your face, avoiding the eye area. Cover your eyes with cotton pads soaked in cold rosewater. Let it dry. Rub warm water all over the face to soften the mask and wash off.

 Caution: To ensure the product is compatible with your skin, test the product on a small patch of skin. Discontinue use if you sense any irritation.

Store in a cool dry place. For external use only.

Cruelty Free * SLS & Paraben free * Artificial Color Free * Skin food * Vegan